
assessment instrument中文什么意思

发音:   用"assessment instrument"造句
  • 评估工具
  • assessment:    n. 1.(价格的)评定,(税额的)估定,(损害额的)查 ...
  • instrument:    n. 1.仪表,仪器 〔cf. tool, implem ...
  • assessment:    n. 1.(价格的)评定,(税额的)估定,(损害额的)查定。 2.税额,摊派额。 3.【商业】应缴股款。 4.(功过的)评价。 a standard of assessment 课税标准。 assessment of the work done 计工。
  • instrument:    n. 1.仪表,仪器 〔cf. tool, implement〕。 2.乐器 (=musical instrument)。 3.【法律】证件,证券,文件。 4.手段,工具。 airborne instruments 航空仪表。 all-purpose instruments 万能仪表。 end instruments 敏感元件。 nautical instruments 航海仪器。 optical instrument光学仪器。 precision instruments 精密仪器。 surgical instruments 外科器械。 stringed instruments 弦乐器。 wind instruments 管乐器。 an instrument of credit 商业证券。 negotiable instrument 流通票据,可转让证券。 the instrument of ratification 批准书。 instruments of production 生产工具。 act as sb.'s instrument 做某人傀儡。 be the instrument of sb.'s death (误)致某人死亡。 vt. 1.用仪器装备。 2.给乐器编(曲),为管弦乐队编(曲)。 3.向…提交法律文件。
  • a tax assessment:    税款核定额
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  1. To guide your continued development with feedback on your present behavioral tendencies with a sales self - assessment instrument
  2. Students receiving spbi wo n ' t perform significantly better than students receiving instruction traditionally on routine - tasks assessing computation and recall of basic facts . we developed two cognition assessment instruments ( cai ) , one called tasks i is for unit - theme - situation experiment , and the other one called tasks ii is for mini - situation experiment
  3. In addition to assessing all students ' basic information literacy skills , faculty and librarians should also work together to develop assessment instruments and strategies in the context of particular disciplines , as information literacy manifests itself in the specific understanding of the knowledge creation , scholarly activity , and publication processes found in those disciplines


        assessment:    n. 1.(价格的)评定,(税额的)估定,(损害额的)查 ...
        instrument:    n. 1.仪表,仪器 〔cf. tool, implem ...
        assessment:    n. 1.(价格的)评定,(税额的)估定,(损害额的)查定。 2.税额,摊派额。 3.【商业】应缴股款。 4.(功过的)评价。 a standard of assessment 课税标准。 assessment of the work done 计工。
        instrument:    n. 1.仪表,仪器 〔cf. tool, implement〕。 2.乐器 (=musical instrument)。 3.【法律】证件,证券,文件。 4.手段,工具。 airborne instruments 航空仪表。 all-purpose instruments 万能仪表。 end instruments 敏感元件。 nautical instruments 航海仪器。 optical instrument光学仪器。 precision instruments 精密仪器。 surgical instruments 外科器械。 stringed instruments 弦乐器。 wind instruments 管乐器。 an instrument of credit 商业证券。 negotiable instrument 流通票据,可转让证券。 the instrument of ratification 批准书。 instruments of production 生产工具。 act as sb.'s instrument 做某人傀儡。 be the instrument of sb.'s death (误)致某人死亡。 vt. 1.用仪器装备。 2.给乐器编(曲),为管弦乐队编(曲)。 3.向…提交法律文件。
        a tax assessment:    税款核定额
        accident assessment:    事故鉴定
        achievement assessment:    成绩评估
        act assessment:    动作评定
        additional assessment:    补加评税; 增评税额
        age assessment:    年龄鉴定
        alternative assessment:    变通性评量
        amount of assessment:    薪金税数额
        annual assessment:    年度鉴定
        application assessment:    申请审批
        aptitude assessment:    学能评估
        area assessment:    分区签定; 区域评价
        assessment (l03):    看法;评估
        assessment and collection:    税收稽征
        assessment and implementation:    评估实施
        assessment and plan:    评价与计划
        assessment base:    分摊基数
        assessment basis:    评估基准; 评价依据
        assessment center:    评估与测试中心; 评估中心; 评价中心技术; 评鉴中心
        assessment centers:    评价中心
        assessment centre:    评定中心


  1. assessment fund 什么意思
  2. assessment guideline 什么意思
  3. assessment in time of design 什么意思
  4. assessment in time of planning 什么意思
  5. assessment indicator 什么意思
  6. assessment insurance 什么意思
  7. assessment lien 什么意思
  8. assessment mechanism 什么意思
  9. assessment method 什么意思
  10. assessment mission 什么意思


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